
5 reasons why you should eat mangoes- Myth busting Mondays
calendar_monthJune 16, 2021 chat0 comments
        The mango season is nearing an end right now and if for any reason you’ve avoided mangos like a plague then this article is just 

        for you. We often hear a lot of myths about eating mangos and these can’t get any more ridiculous so now’s the time to bust these

1.  Mangoes cause acne-
                If you’re someone who suffers with acne then you must have constantly been told to not eat mangos as they increase your body 

                heat and hence cause more boils/pimples. So far there hasn’t been any strong evidence regarding these claims. Acne is usually 

                caused due to other factors like genetics, oily skin, hormonal imbalance, high glycaemic index diet etc so these factors should first 

                be considered before blaming one food for causing acne. 

                Contrary to what most people say, mango has a low glycaemic score (51) and hence does not affect your blood sugars extensively. 

                However anything in excess can be problematic so limit your mango consumption to 1 or 2 per day and you’re good to go. 
GI Rating
Blood glucose levels
Increases rapidly
White carbs, potatoes, fruit juices
Increases moderately
Brown rice, oatmeal
Increases slowly
apples, nuts, lentils

Glycaemic Index chart

2.  Mangos make you fat

To bust this myth it’s easier to refer to its nutrition info:

Mangifera indica L.

Nutrition value per 100 g

Energy 60 Kcal
Fruit composition Quantity
Carbohydrates 14.98 g
Protein 0.82 g
Fat 0.38g
Fiber 1.6g
Vitamin C 36.4mg
Vitamin E 1.12mg
Vitamin A 1082 IU
Niacin (vit B3) 669 µg
Pantothenic acid (vit B5) 160 µg
Pyridoxine (vit B6) 119 µg
Riboflavin (vit B2) 38 µg
Thiamin (vit B1) 28 µg
Folates 43 µg
Vitamin K 4.2 µg
Potassium 168 mg
Phosphorus 14 mg
Calcium 11 mg
Magnesium 10 mg
Sodium 1 mg
Copper 110 µg
Iron 160 µg
Manganese 27 µg
Zinc 90 µg
β−Carotene 445 µg
α−Carotene 17 µg
            An average mango is around 150-200g and provides approximately 150 calories. Eating mango as a dessert or a snack will in no 

            way make you fat as long as you’re within your calorie requirements. 

3.  Diabetic patients cannot eat mangost

            This is another common statement that is thrown around carelessly. As explained earlier, Mangos actually come under low GI 

            foods and do not spike your insulin levels majorly. Besides, mangos are high in fibre, vitamins and antioxidants which help in 

            minimising their impact on blood sugar levels.
            Infact, in some studies the bioactive compounds of mangos have actually shown to have anti-diabetic effects. The mango 

            mesocarp and leaf have shown to have hypoglycaemic effects on STZ induced rats. This anti-diabetic effect of mangoes can be due
            to the presence of polyphenolic acids present that inhibit action of carbohydrate hydrolysing enzymes. 
            However the key is to not consume too much of anything so 1 mango per day is definitely allowed even if you’re diabetic.

            Now that we’ve cleared these doubts, here are 5 scientifically backed reasons behind why you SHOULD eat mangos without 

           any fear: 

           1.  Mangos are highly nutritious. If you refer the info above you can see that they’re good source of Vitamin c, A, phosphorus and calcium

           2.  They have great antioxidant properties which means that they help reduce the free radical damage caused in the body

           3.  The phytochemicals present in mangos are said to be anti-inflammatory and play a significant role in chronic inflammatory illnesses

           4.  The bioactive compounds present in mango also have shown anti-cancer properties in certain tumours. 

           5.  Mangoes contain mangiferin which is a polyphenol that has great antioxidant, anti- scavenging , anti free-radical & pharmacological properties

Now you have enough reasons to ignore the myths and indulge in this delicious fruit, better late than never.

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